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Michael SmithMichael Smith
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Finding Your Program

4.9|5 min|233 comments
How to determine which training program is best for you.


Daniel 4d ago
Your workouts have changed my life for the better. I've been doing the same stuff for years. Nothing really seemed to help me put on good weight, I just completed your bulk. I'm 34 and I'm in the best shape of my life. I've got a lot of respect for what you do. Thanks for help!
Saqib 6d ago
I have been watching your YouTube channel since you started it, I'm 28 and I am exactly how you were before your journey (in reference to your YouTube video 5 year transformation when you were wearing the maroon top) I hate being skinny and it really affects my confidence to the extent that it makes me feel suicidal however I am taking the first step and hopefully one day I will look like you...I love your work ethic and I love your videos and your channel, you seem like am amazing individual and I hope I can stick and follow through as my goal is to have a similar physique to you...I know it will require a lot of hard work, discipline and dedication, but hopefully one day I get there. I have a lot of past trauma and I'm aware from your videos that you had traumatic experiences too, life is certainly painful and is a struggle for everyone and its amazing that you managed to achieve what you've achieved. I need to make a change and the change is now.
Sandro 10d ago
LOC 11d ago
Appreciate the motivation Merk Been following you since 2020 Always did your workouts, now finally committed to your program I look forward to a more structured training and a good regimen.. Let’s keep goin
Cynt 17d ago

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