I'm Maria Paquette! I'm a mother to 5, certified personal trainer/Coach and nutritionist. My life in the fitness community has been well over 10+ years, this includes in between pregnancies too. If you are reading this, it only means that you have an interest in HEALTH & FITNESS. One of the things in my life I am extremely passionate about, building others up to realize you are capable of anything and with balance it’s possible. With knowledge, consistency, a positive mindset and hard work you can achieve a stronger physique and a healthier lifestyle. I would love to guide you on a successful path to reaching your goals whether you want to build a healthy routine, learn how to lift and use equipment properly or just gain the confidence to show up, I got you! Let's push past your comfort zone and build the DISCIPLINE you need to get the results you want. This is your sign, together let's build a healthier, stronger and confident you!