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W3/D3 Day 17 : Urdhva Mukha Svanasana or upward facing dog

4.9|30 min|5 comments
Today is tutorial class and we are going to look at one foundational spinal extension posture : Urdhva Mukha Svanasana in Sanskrit or upward facing dog.


Hannah 8mo ago
I had so many racing thoughts it was hard to finish but by the end they had quieted down! Thank you for helping me find some calm In the chaos! I’m finally able to hold my chaturanga dandasana at the bottom for the first time in my life!!! Still working on the transition to upward facing dog but that was v v exciting for me!
Karley 1y ago
Gréât explanations!!!!❤️
Dubravka 1y ago
Perfect as always, best teacher ever! 💖
Marcela 1y ago
Thank you for breaking the upward facing dog, I was not doing it right. 😬
Rocío 1y ago
Thank you Maria, this felt increíble!!

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