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Holixtic .Holixtic .
/15-25 min classes
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Sun Salutation A

4.9|15 min|4 comments
Learn sun salutations A. This is a complete practice in itself. If you only have 15 min in your day it’s the perfect practice. Focuses the mind, loves energy of the body, increases flexibility & strength of the whole body. Be... more


Sara 4mo ago
This was perfect for where I am right now. Easing back into my practice
Kristen 5mo ago
Great short class and reminder to practice with whatever time you have! Even if only 5-10 minutes. Thanks 😊
Marcela 1y ago
Perfect to be included in my morning routine
Radha 1y ago
Wow, it's been years since I experienced sun salutation but this class made it so easy to return to it. Love the slow and descriptive flow of each movement followed by an invitation to move through an entire sun salutation together. My lower back (& spirit) rejoices.

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