What are the goals of the program? Our main goal with Hero@Home is to help you build functional strength & power with minimal time & equipment requirements.
You’ll get strong while staying fresh for the things you enjoy doing in life (or to face whatever challenges life throws your way).
Over 8 weeks, you’ll improve your upper body push & pull strength, while enhancing total body power, core strength, and conditioning.
How to get the best outcome of the program? Pick a weight or variation for the two primary strength movements (pullup and pushup) that’s equivalent to your 3 to 4 rep max. Select a kettlebell that you can comfortably perform 5 sets of 5 swings.
Stick with this weight/progression throughout the 8 weeks, then retest your max at the end of the program after a few days rest.
Ensure that you support your training with good quality sleep, nutrition, and mobility work.
Remember - you can ask me any questions here on the app if you’d like support and guidance. And you can tag me at @lukejonesmove on Instagram to share your progress.
How do I schedule the program into a week? Hero@Home is designed to be performed three days per week (e.g Monday, Wednesday, Friday) for 8 weeks.
You can incorporate low-intensity cardiovascular training and mobility work on your rest days.
Who are these workouts for (skill-level)? The training sessions are scalable for complete beginners and experienced athletes. Beginners can use the V1 progressions (eccentric pullups and pushups), whereas more advanced athletes can add weight to both exercises.
What do I need to participate in this program? A pullup bar, one kettlebell/t-handle kettlebell for swings, and a backpack/dip belt if you are adding weight to the pullups/pushups.
We’ll progress from 5 sets of 5 kettlebell swings up to 10 sets of 10 over the 8 weeks. If you’re unsure which size kettlebell to start with, aim for one that you can comfortably perform for 5x5. As a general rule of thumb:
Completely new to strength training: 12-16 kg kettlebell will be suitable.
Strength training for a few years: 18-24kg bell will suffice.
Strength training regularly 2+ years: a 24 to 32kg+.
Ultimately, a range of sizes will come in handy over time. If you solely want to use the kettlebell for swings, a t-bar, plate loaded kettlebell can work as an alternative.
Can I add extra exercises? The Hero@Home program is designed to provide results without placing a huge amount of stress on the body.
If you are more experienced and you can handle more volume in your training, you could add in accessory exercises as you see fit.
The program also pairs well with mobility work (like our Mobility Reset plan), some extra core work, and low intensity, Zone 2 endurance training or rope flow.
Can I substitute exercises? Pushups can be substituted with dips or overhead press.
Pullups could be substituted with ring pullups or regressed to a row variation if needed.
Kettlebell swings can be substituted with one arm swings.
What is step loading periodisation? Step loading is a way to gradually increase the amount of volume you perform in your training (weight lifted x reps x sets) sessions over time.
It’s a great way to build strength while staying relatively fresh, as we rarely (if ever) train to complete failure. So you can get stronger without your training interfering with the other things you enjoy doing in life.
Will I lose body fat/build muscle on this program? Body composition largely comes down to diet and other lifestyle factors aside from training. The primary goal of Hero@Home is to build strength and power, but changes in body composition are not uncommon.
If you’d like to place more focus on muscle building vs building strength, you could reduce the rest periods between exercises.
How do I determine my 3 to 4 rep max? Perform a warmup, followed by a few easy sets of the exercise you are testing.
Then work your way through the progressions:
Push-up - Feet Elevated Push-up - Weighted Push-up
Eccentric Pull-Up - Pull-Up - Weighted Pullup
When you get to a progression or weight that you can just about perform for 3 to 4 clean, controlled repetitions, but no more, note that down. This is the weight/progression you will use over the 8 weeks.