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Lizette PompaLizette Pompa
/Yoga Classes
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45-Min Yoga Class/Pelvis (Twists/Forward Folds)

4.9|45 min|8 comments
Equipment: Yoga mat. This class is all about letting the pelvis move with the spine. Experiment with twisting from your thoracic spine only to then let the pelvis follow and when forward folding, let your pelvis initiate the... more


Sushma 1y ago
Loved this class, big fan of your yoga classes ❤️❤️
Kristy 1y ago
Great mix of twisting and building strength.
Tracy 1y ago
Thank you for showing the relationship between pelvis and spine. I felt obliques in your side crow!
Leah 3y ago
Great! I needed the spine work!
Francesca 3y ago
Amazing as always ☺️

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