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Lizette PompaLizette Pompa
/Yoga Classes
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45-Min Yoga Class/Pelvis (Backbends and Forward Folds)

5.0|45 min|6 comments
Equipment: Yoga mat Bring your pelvis with you into backbends and forward folds. Play with the positioning of your feet to explore as you send your pelvis forward or back and let the rest of the spine follow.... more


Monica 1y ago
Great class
Sushma 2y ago
This was a great class. Backbends feel great for my body. Eka pada 2 is something I am working towards. Someday, hopefully with all your other classes I can build enough strength to get to this pose🙂. I wanted to ask you about puppy pose. I may be doing this wrong. My arms and elbows feel really heavy in this pose
Iseult 3y ago
Great lesson!😍
Camilla 3y ago
Really loved this one! I haven't done proper back bending classes in aaaageeees so this was super nice 😍
Stephanie 3y ago
Working on my back bends at 57! Feeling powerful

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