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Lizette PompaLizette Pompa
/Yoga Classes
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42-Min Yoga Class/Core (TVA and Front)

4.9|40 min|8 comments
Equipment: Yoga mat. This yoga class focuses on our TVA (Transverse Abdominis) and front core (Rectus Abdominis).... more


Jade 2y ago
Julika 3y ago
I love this one so much. It challenges me and at the same time it calms me down. Thank you!
Pol 3y ago
tremenda clase!!! me encantó, super super completa
caron 3y ago
Thanks for the very clear instructions about core. I thought core was just the front. I didn’t think I can engage it in different ways.
Katerina 3y ago
This was great! Thank you! I didn’t practice for a while, and this was just perfect! I also love when your yoga is around 40 mins, I would even prefer up to an hour. Thank you! ❤️

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