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Lizette PompaLizette Pompa
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15-Min Hips and Hamstrings

4.8|15 min|5 comments
Equipment: Yoga mat and a block or pillow is optional. A 15-min mobility and stretching practice moving through hips and hamstrings.... more


Linda 8mo ago
Great class. Just what I needed after a day sitting too long in front of the computer
Tiffany 10mo ago
Great stretch and strength. My right hip and hamstring are awfully tight causing knee pain when I run. This felt good after my metcon today.
Devin 2y ago
I love the pace and the instruction. I definitely have tight hips and hamstrings so this felt great.
Kim 3y ago
needed some drills on hamstring for real beginners, I love hip exercise :-)
Bee 3y ago
Longer legs :) I feel the stretch over my hamstring today, it feels GOOD!

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