We're taking the guesswork out of the cycle syncing equation and we're delivering you a complete 28-day fitness program (along with menstrual phase-specific meal plans for all 4 weeks) this summer.
Jenny Swisher, Dr. Paige Gutheil & Kelsey Lensman partnered up to deliver you this special program that was created by women, for women.
This calendar? It's designed for female physiology.
This style of training, down to the timing, rep counts, and functional movements? It's designed for female physiology.
The nutrition plan? Delicious, and perfect for supporting hormonal health. We'll curb your cravings naturally, and we'll teach you just how much fuel you really need.
This program is perfect for you if you are female, if you feel like the other workout programs you've done aren't yielding the results they used to, if you're stuck and have hit a plateau, if you're addressing your hormone health, and if your end goal is LONGEVITY and MAXIMUM ENERGY.