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Kayla NielsenKayla Nielsen
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Gentle Svadhistana Chakra

5.0|31Β min|20 comments
Beginner/Moderate level class. This class works on balancing the Sacral Chakra by targeting deep opening, and gentle strength. The peak posture is Folded Straddle Pose.


Rebekah β€’ 3mo ago
This was so nice. Loved straddle at the end
Tara β€’ 4mo ago
Nice gentle flow following a long run. Great πŸ‘
Alexandra β€’ 4mo ago
I have been quite sick over the past couple of days and this practice has been so helpful to connect back with a sensation of feel good wich is more hard to find for me when sick. It was perfect πŸ₯²
Cheryl β€’ 4mo ago
So good😘
Nick β€’ 5mo ago
Been loving my own practice so much that I haven’t been here lately. Moving with you always feels nice. πŸ™‚ Thank you!

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