Today, at 33yo, I am a NASM certified personal trainer, a Spartan SGX Coach, and a Trifecta World Champion. Just 3 years ago, however, I was overweight and depressed. I had to dig deep to find the motivation to change my entire life. What makes me different is relatability. I’ve been underweight, overweight, an addict (12 years sober), an athlete, a mother (x3), hated, loved, embarrassed, angry, motivating, inspiring, hopeful, lost, found, competitive, and so much more. My channel will bring to you my workouts for all fitness levels, but I will also share in my experience where I once was vs where I’m at now, so that everyone feels the space I’m trying to create regarding fitness. I am always here for you and will showcase the tough love some of us need to get our butts to the gym. Let’s hit those goals!