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Joner FootballJoner Football
/Mindset Training
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5 Traits players should stick by that don't require talent

4.8|25 min|17 comments
5 Things players should be doing that will enhance their frame of mind when it comes to playing football. These habits don't require talent & will give you an edge over your opponents and team players.


Kami 3mo ago
Raphael 4mo ago
Great topic.
Tekkers 4mo ago
This was great, but keep a certain amount of notes.
Luke 1y ago
Really enjoyed it. I think you make some really great points. Mindset is something I work hard on with my players as well. I get into discussions with coaches saying it’s a waste of time to talk about mindset, but I don’t think there’s anything more important!
Jonah 2y ago
Great stuff mate

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