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Joga Level 1 Weakest Links

4.7|16 min|1 comment


Timothy 5mo ago
Jana I have been meaning to drop you a notefor a while. I am a fifty nine year old male active all my adult life. As I grew older, I felt my body start to break down . Recurring injuries less able to do the things a used to take for granted. I was becoming resigned to this seemingly inevitable decline. This also had a negative effect on my mental health as well. I read about you in the New York Times and thought, why not? I am about six months in, and the benefits are profound and multiple. V02 max has exploded some chronic health issues have disappeared. I think the most profound change has been one of renewed engagement hope to be able to continue to do what I love well into old age. So many thanks for your work. I am in Toronto heard you have a studio. I am going to drop by some time in the near future all the best Timothy Gallagher

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