9-Week Lean & Toned

9-Week Lean & Toned

Unleash your best self!

Unlock your full potential with the 9-Week Lean and Toned program, crafted specifically for women who want to sculpt and tone their bodies while building their glutes and achieving that hourglass shape. This intensive program combines strength training with a mix of higher rep days and lower rep days for the glutes and legs, along with cardio, to help you achieve a lean, toned physique.

Bikini Body
9 weeks program 5 days/week
Bikini Body
9 weeks program 5 days/week
cover image

About the program

9-Week plan to help you get lean, burn fat, build core strength, build glutes, and an hourglass body!
  • Crafted specifically for women who want to sculpt and tone their bodies
  • Program is 5x a week but can be 4x a week if needed.
  • Ability to message me in the app for any questions or concerns
  • Video examples of each exercise
  • Ability to log your workouts and track your progress in the app
  • Combines strength training with a mix of higher rep and lower rep days for glutes and legs
  • 1 Time Purchase = Lifetime Access. Repeat it as many times as you’d like


W1/D1A Program Directions
W1/D1A Program Directions
W1/D1B Full Body Build
W1/D1B Full Body Build
Gym, All Levels, Full Body
Toned Shoulders, Arms, Abs & Cardio
Toned Shoulders, Arms, Abs & Cardio
Booty Build
Booty Build
Gym, Glutes
Hourglass Upper Body & Cardio
Hourglass Upper Body & Cardio
Gym, Abs & Core, Upper Body, Bodybuilding

App Features

Set workout reminders to stay on track!
Track your progress and share it to Instagram
Notes & Logging
Track your weights, time, and reps. Take notes to capture your thoughts when working out
Make sure you stay on track with your goals
Save your favorite workouts with one tap
Lifetime Access
Once you purchase, you own the program forever!
Set workout reminders to stay on track!

Frequently asked questions

What are the goals of this program?
Increase overall lean muscle mass Get lean and burn fat Build core strength Build the glutes and an hourglass shape
Who are these workouts for (skill-level)?
The workouts are designed for all levels Beginners: go slow, use less weight, use longer rest periods, and focus on form. If you run into an exercise you’re not comfortable with, you can message me in the app and I will give you an alternative. Advanced: increase weight, reps and reduce rest time as you progress
Are there any modifications for the exercises?
Yes! I’ve included modifications in the descriptions for each exercise. If you need further assistance modifying any workouts, send me a message in the app and I’ll be happy to help!
What’s the schedule?
Weight training 3-4 times per week Workout 1- Full Body Workout 2- Shoulders, arms, abs, cardio Workout 3- Glute focused Workout 4- Upper body, abs, cardio Workout 5- Lower Body *If you can only workout 4x a week, you can adjust the plank by skipping the full body workout OR one of the upper body workouts.
How can I ask you questions?
Message me in the app for any questions you have. I do my best to review all comments and make any recommended changes.
I want to see your progress!
I would also love to see your progress pictures and videos. Tag me on Instagram and use the hashtag (#Lean&TonedByJac) or feel free to shoot me a DM on IG. I would love to showcase your progress to our community.

About Jacquie Baker

Online personal trainer

Issa Certified Trainer with 10+ years of experience.

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