Hello FAM! Many of you have been following me for years and I cannot thank you guys enough for the constant support! With that being said, some of whom are new to the fam and wanted to reintroduce myself and tell y”all my fitness story and how fitness has given me the confidence that I never had growing up. 🩵
Growing up the name “Toothpick” was given to me from the age of 10 to 18 haha! Lifting weights was by far one of my least favorite activities. In Fact I hated lifting with an absolute passion haha! For the next 2 years I lifted, but made nearly zero results. Junior year I decided to focus entirely on basketball due to wanting to play at the collegiate level. My friends and coaches calling me “toothpick” never bothered me. I knew it was all love. But what bothered me was that I could make the change and I kept putting it off. If you want change, you have to actually change. Everyone wants change, but not everyone is willing to change. That summer I was determined to put my head down and grind and come to school the next year jacked haha! I thought to myself, “Why and how did I make so much progress over this summer, but didn’t make any progress the years before”. I went into the gym accepting that It was going to be hard and I embraced it. I also enjoyed it lol! I grinded for 3 months and the work was noticed. But more than the compliments, I realized that I can accomplish anything that I put my mind to as long as I’m 100% invested. Making this change has given me the confidence to accomplish ANYTHING and I want others to feel this same way. 💪🏼
Since finding fitness, I have built a social media family, competed in 3 bodybuilding shows, graduated college, got NASM certified, and have traveled out of the United States. Fitness isn’t about showing your abs at the beach..(for some maybe lol), fitness is about challenging yourself and getting just a little better each day. Fitness is a lifestyle that no one will regret following! 🤪