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Hannah BowerHannah Bower
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Thoracic Mobility

4.9|5 min|15 comments
This is one of my go to exercises for tightness in my upper back! Who is this great for?... more


Katie 2y ago
I often neglect to stretch my upper back and after running with the stroller I definitely need to! Took the time to today and feeling so much better. I didn't realize how tight I was!
Alisha 2y ago
Thank you so much!
Ashley 2y ago
Very needed right now. I'm finding it hard to progress with strength training because my mobility is lacking. I've noticed an improvement this week after committing last week to mobility and stability. Its about the journey, not the destination, right?
Katie 3y ago
After breastfeeding for 6 months, this thoracic mobility was amazing! Right between my shoulder blades has been my point of the most pain and the cat/cow variation really helped to stretch those areas!
Taylor 3y ago
Always a great stretch for my back!

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