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Hannah BowerHannah Bower
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Hip opener stretches

4.8|5 min|5 comments
As a whole, humans tend to have a tight psoas due to all the sitting we are prone to. ( work, relaxing, tv ect) Our Piriformis muscle tends to all be culprit in majority of people with back, SI joint pain and IT band pain as... more


Erica 3mo ago
My hips are really hurting today!
Ashley 3y ago
Thanks! My pelvic floor needs help at 22 weeks!
Jenna 3y ago
Hips are feeling good after my leg workout! 😁
Elaine 3y ago
This is a great explanation! My go-to stretch after a good run!
Corie 3y ago
OMG! The psoas stretch is one I've never tried before and it felt SO good! Thank you!!!

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