Muscles & Mindset

Muscles & Mindset

Build lean muscle and create a healthier mindset

Welcome to the Heath Fit Muscles and Mindset Challenge! We are so excited to have you here with us! Our goal with this 6-week challenge is to help you BE healthier not just look your best. Looking better, feeling stronger, and acting with more confidence are all byproducts of being a healthier individual. This all starts with your mindset and we are here to help put you on the path to a happier, healthier lifestyle. Join the Muscles and Mindset Challenge that starts January 8th!

Lean Muscle
Sports, Functional, Cardio
6 weeks program
All Levels
Lean Muscle
Sports, Functional, Cardio
6 weeks program
All Levels
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About the Challenge

This 6 week challenge is designed to help you put on lean muscle and gain overall strength all while creating healthy habits and developing a strong mindset. The training portion of this challenge will feature progressive overload work as we look to build a lean physique. True to the Heath Fit philosophy, we continue to incorporate exercises that support healthy joints, improve flexibility and ensure you feel your best day-to-day. Each workout has a purpose and will challenge you without trashing you. We will be sharing mindset tips and tricks including some motivational videos and additional mini challenges to implement what you learn into your every-day life. This challenge hits the nail on the head with something that is difficult to accomplish, but not completely overwhelming, or something that will require you to drastically change your life in unsustainable ways. We are in this for the long-haul. Use this as the kick start to a healthier and happier life!
  • Training program focused on progressive overload for muscular growth
  • Move well and feel your best with each workout
  • Mindset videos to create a healthy attitude toward training, nutrition, and life in general
  • Mini challenges to integrate what you learn here to your daily routine and lifestyle
  • Simple daily habits lead you to a healthier life

How to Join

The more you participate, the more you will get from the challenge
  • Sign up & download the app
  • Submit the Challenge Start form - Watch your email. Set a goal and submit before pictures
  • Engage in the challenge - We will consider your engagement when we pick a winner
  • Submit the Challenge Complete form - Submit after pictures and describe the experience you had

What You Can Win

Everyone that participates will win a better mindset and more muscular body, but we want to add to that and give a few of you a little extra for your hard work.
  • 1st Place: $300 + 1 year free Heath Fit app subscription
  • 2nd Place: $100 + 6 month free Heath Fit app subscription
  • 3rd Place: 3 month free Heath Fit app subscription
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How to Win

We are looking for someone who commits to the challenge and engages with the group often. We also want to see a real transformation during the 6 weeks.
  • Comment on completed workouts
  • Complete and record daily habits
  • Engage in the mini challenges
  • Share results to social media
  • Use the before and after submission to set a goal and describe how you accomplished it
  • Before & After photos don't hold the most weight in winning the challenge, but are still considered

About Haden & Camille Heath

Athletes, Coaches, Parents

“I’ve been an athlete from my little tike’s basketball hoop all the way to the day my college football career ended. All of a sudden, everything changed. I didn’t have daily practice, lifting, and conditioning. I had new priorities taking over that time. It took a couple years to realize that I had let my health take a back seat and I decided to make my health and strength a priority again. I had learned a lot from my athletic career, so I wrote a program and committed to consistent hard work. I had a purpose to work out again. I was working towards goals. I continued to improve my training program leading to continual progress. My consistency, with proper programming has led to me feeling strong, healthy, and lean… Like an athlete again. Now I continue to train so that I can feel like an athlete forever!” - Haden “I grew up in a family that loved sports. I began playing soccer at a very young age and it quickly consumed most of my time. By the end of my college career, I was starting to burn out. Shortly after my last season, I got pregnant with our first. I continued to stay active throughout my entire pregnancy, which was a huge blessing, but I felt like something was missing from my life after I gave birth to her. I didn’t feel like myself. I wasn’t aware of it at the time, but I had pretty bad postpartum depression. We lived in a basement apartment and as fall turned to winter the days shortened and I couldn’t get myself outside and moving. Once spring rolled around I was able to make a change. I didn’t want to lose my health and fitness that had been so important to me just because I started having kids. Haden and I started writing lifting programs together and would go on morning runs before he went to school and I started to feel like myself again! It was training that pulled me out of depression and helped me feel like myself again. I’ve learned how to prioritize my health and have had two more kids while maintaining my fitness!” - Camille

Need to see it to believe?

My life has truly changed for the better. Making a concerted effort to really make such small changes has made such a huge impact on me overall. It's amazing how much you can get done or the improvements you can make with just small changes.
I loved this challenge! I was able to get to know myself better. I just had a baby and it was nice to rediscover myself. It pushed me to do things for myself. It got me back into working out daily. I'm so grateful for this challenge and how it has made me feel!
I learned how capable and strong I am. When I make decisions that support my health, it sends messages of love to myself. I had not lost a pound in my first two months pp. I lost 8 pounds in this challenge. Our everyday process is so important!
I have really enjoyed this opportunity for self-improvement. I have seen real value that this program can change my life as I work on myself. I have discovered that I feel more productive and a greater sense of accomplishment every day.
My life has truly changed for the better. Making a concerted effort to really make such small changes has made such a huge impact on me overall. It's amazing how much you can get done or the improvements you can make with just small changes.

Get support & accountability from our amazing community

Find encouragement and accountability by connecting with others in our exclusive private community. There you can learn about nutrition, learn more about form, and connect with other members. Bonus: Haden & Camille will be right there to cheer you on.

Frequently asked questions

What makes this challenge different? Will work for me?
If you haven’t had success with other challenges in the past, you may be skeptical about ours. But we’re here to tell you, we guarantee you’ll get the results you want! Why? We have many years of training and programming experience to put together a challenge that produces results with science-backed design. If you ever need help, we are always here for you. You can message us directly if you have any questions, feedback, or simply want to share your success.
I'm a beginner, is this challenge for me?
No matter where you are in your fitness journey, you can succeed in this challenge. Workouts and programs posted are for any level of fitness. Plus, we walk you through each exercise with easy-to-follow videos and voice overs. This means you’ll be able to do all the moves easily, accurately, and safely.
Do I need a gym membership for this challenge?
No! We will have gym and home workouts for you to choose from. Home workouts will use dumbbells and bands so we recommend you get those, but you can modify to do it with other types of weight or even just body weight.

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