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with Fit By Fousey

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Karo 1y ago
Jeff 1y ago
Fousy is there any stretching routines that you do before your work outs that you can show us? Also are there anymore running workouts coming to us? What preworkout drunks and post workouts do you take? How much and how long can I run kn the treadmill every day? Recently my knee has been killing me at time especially when I aim for the 42min run at a 6.0/6.5 speed.
Jake 1y ago
Might be a dumb question, but I don’t know how intermittent fasting would work on the animal based diet? Im trying to lose some weight but im more focused on strength/ physique and healthy lifestyle.
Mike 1y ago
Thank you for addressing this — wow this should be challenging gut sure and very different than starting heavy — will be increasing weights and reps - let’s goooo
Luca 1y ago
This did help me out a lot! Thank you for your advice on this. I’m going to stick to what I was doing. On lift days jump rope, then lift, then core, then running. On rest days do all three, just rope, core, running. If I shouldn’t do core daily let me know. But if it doesn’t effect my gains I’ll keep it up!
Luca 1y ago
Thank you Fous! Although I’ve been in the gym several times before and have experience, I’m going to finish the Spartacus challenge before picking my official plan which will be the Superman challenge. I trust your intake on this and will follow it how you suggest!