Today we start our Taper week. A proper taper will ensure that we're able to hit Murph hard and at our best! This will enable our bodies to recover while also staying active just enough to maintain our progress these past weeks.
Test out your Murph strategy during today's circuit. Use the weight vest/body armor you'll be using during the event if possible.
*If you don't have body armor or a weighted vest, use a backpack/hiking pack with weight.*
Dynamic Warm Up
30/30 Intervals
Circuit work
Familiarize yourself with the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale
RPE Scale
1 Very light, recovery effort
2-3 Slightly harder but still comfortable. Can carry a conversation.
4-6 Moderate effort. Breathing is heavier, can speak in sentences.
7-8 Hard effort. Can speak in short sentences
9-10 Very hard to max effort. Can barely speak, can maintain for a couple minutes