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eFitmama eFitmama
/4 Week Fat Blaster
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Week 4: Lower Body

5.0|25 min|3 comments
You will need a set of light to medium dumbbells and a loop band. This is a tabata workout so you will want to use a timer - either one on the app or through your phone or a tabata app like Interval Timer or Tabata HIIT Inte... more


Rebecca 3y ago
Phew. Did 4 rounds of this one and 4 rounds of yesterday's which I skipped. Super tired from the OT I am working. Going to do some kind of cardio.
Rebecca 3y ago
🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Iong sleeve shirt a no no for these workouts. I am literally dying. 5 rounds because I am pairing it with Upper Body for today's workout.
Rebecca 3y ago
5 rounds. . . Dripping sweat. Doing Lean and Defined Legs too 😳😳😳😳

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