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eFitmama eFitmama
/4 Week Fat Blaster
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Week 3: Lower Body

5.0|25 min|5 comments
You will need a set of light to medium dumbbells and a loop band. This is a tabata workout so you will want to use a timer - either one on the app or through your phone or a tabata app like Interval Timer or Tabata HIIT Inte... more


Rebecca 3y ago
Love these workouts
Rebecca 3y ago
Love this one. Love leg day! Now for some suntanning.
Rebecca 3y ago
Hell yeah. 7 rounds. I really like this one. Going to add some KB swings and burpees for a little extra and maybe some squats on the slant board. I'm determined to be bikini ready before camping season May 1st!
Rebecca 3y ago
Wow. Love this one. Is there a way I can flag it to go back too? I'll probably go back to all of them anyway but this one was good. Did 4 rounds because I did it with yesterday's. Tomorrow lean and defined legs for this week. Was supposed to be done yesterday but didn't have the time.
Kristy 3y ago
Loved this workout!

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