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Demi BagbyDemi Bagby
/Summer Shred Program

W5/D5 Upper

5.0|45 min|2 comments
Superset: -Db flat bench press 3 x 12 -Single arm db row 3 x 12 Circuit: -Db front raise 3 x 12 -Db rear delt fly 3 x 12 -Db side raise 3 x 12 Superset: -Inverted row 3 x 12 -Feet elevated push-up Superset: -Concentration curl 3 x 12 -Db overhead extension 3 x 15


Ben 1y ago
Great really feel it in the arms
Eric 2y ago
Starting to realize that these lighter weights, don't feel so light anymore lol.. loved this day!

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