Hi my name is Crystal.
Welcome to my app. I hope you enjoy it, and find it useful along your fitness journey.
I actually started my fitness journey kind of by accident. I was going through a very stressful period in my life and I just couldn’t find relief. So one day, after trying a ton of different things, I was desperate. I read somewhere that exercise could help reduce stress and anxiety, so I gave it a try. I did a workout on YouTube in my living room, and I felt a bit better afterwards, so I kept doing it.
Eventually I started working with a trainer and she introduced me to strength training and I fell in love! Eventually I became a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach.
Fitness, for me, has always been more about mental health, and feeling good about myself than a “bikini” body….but it’s a pretty awesome side effect!
I can’t wait to help you in your fitness journey.