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Chanel DeLisserChanel DeLisser


4.9|60 min|264 comments
MONDAY *5 min. dynamic warm up* GLUTES: Warm up... 2 sets x 15 reps - Banded (kneeling) diagonal glute kicks (R. leg) - Banded (kneeling) diagonal glute kicks (L. leg) - Banded abdcutor squats (alt. bet. standing and sitting on bench) Superset: - Abductor machine... 3 sets x 15 reps - DB sumo squat pulses ... 3 sets x 15 reps Superset - BB hip thrusts ... 3 sets x 12 reps - BB hip thrusts pulses ... 3 sets x 15 reps HAMSTRINGS: - B-stance smith machine RDL's (R. leg)... 3 sets x 12 reps - B-stance smith machine RDL's (L. leg)... 3 sets x 12 - reps - Lying hamstring curl machine... 4 sets x 15 reps ABS: ... 3 sets x 15 reps - Med ball lying toe taps - Med ball standing oblique crunch (R.side) - Med ball standing oblique crunch (L.side) KEY: BB= Barbell DB= Dumbbell KB= Kettlebell SA= Single Arm SL= Single Leg


Vania 1mo ago
This is my fourth workout set of hers and i feel great! I always have to add in my own 30 minute cardio sessions and stretches since thats not included!
Kinthesia 3mo ago
Painful getting back after surgery but eh. I got this
Tiffany 4mo ago
Finished me
Ebony 5mo ago
W1D1 🏋️‍♀️🦵🦿❤️‍🔥
Whitney 5mo ago
Hunny I needed thiiisss

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