Block 8 (Weeks 29-32) - Muscle Hypertrophy - Gym/Machines/Barbell
This eighth 4-week block progresses on the last/seventh 4-week block in the Beyond Before and After strength training sequence.
Each workout session follows the same structure as the previous 4-week training blocks, beginning with an activation lift > main compound lift > accessory work.
And good news! This is another benchmark block, meaning that it’s designed to give you an opportunity for a direct comparison to where you started regarding your STRENGTH.
The reps of each set of the compound lifts increase from 12 reps per set to 10-12-15 reps with decreasing weights per set, but do not forget about progressive overload from week to week!
This 4-week training block is a five-day training split (quad-focused, chest & triceps, glutes & shoulders, back & biceps, hip hinge & glutes) with 5-6 exercises a day and can be completed in 45-60 minutes if you stick to the prescribed rest times (put your phone away and get to work!).
Each workout centres around a main compound lift (squats, bench press, hip thrust, overhead press, (assisted) chin-ups, deadlift), which is repeated in every training block I write. This gives the lifter an organized structure that flows from one block to the next to strategically measure progress in their lifts over extended periods of time. 🔥