Caroline Drury

Block 2 - Home

Block 2 - Home

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Block 2 (Weeks 5-8) - Muscle Hypertrophy This second 4-week block progresses on the first 4-week block. It follows much of the same structure as the first 4-week training block activation lift > main compound lift > accessory work, but you will see some notable changes and additions: 1. The reps of each set decrease from 15 to 10-12 reps per set to encourage heavier weights 2. Tempo markings are introduced 3. Form-focused lifts are introduced - this block introduces PAUSED work: paused squats, paused bench presses, and paused deadlifts in addition to the main compound lift and accessory work. This 4-week training block is a five-day training split (quad-focused, chest &Β Β triceps, glutes & shoulders, back & biceps, hip hinge & glutes) with 5-6 exercises a day and can be completed in 45-60 minutes if you stick to the prescribed rest times (put your phone away and get to work!). Each workout centres around a main compound lift (squats, bench press, hip thrust, overhead press, (assisted) chin-ups, deadlift) which you will see repeated in every training block I write. This gives the lifter an organized structure that flows from one block to the next to strategically measure progress in their lifts over extended periods of time. πŸ”₯ Enjoy! - Caroline

Weight Loss
Full Body
4 weeks program 5 days/week 30-45 mins
All Levels
Weight Loss
Full Body
4 weeks program 5 days/week 30-45 mins
All Levels


πŸ‘Š Intro to Block 2 - Week 1
πŸ‘Š Intro to Block 2 - Week 1
πŸ™Œ Introduction to Training Block 2
πŸ™Œ Introduction to Training Block 2
Home: Quad Focused (RPE 7)
Home: Quad Focused (RPE 7)
Lower Body, Lose Weight, All Levels, Legs, Toning, Strength, Home
Love this app!!! Every workout is challenging and I've had amazing results
Beautiful, user friendly app. truly enjoying having quick access to workouts. makes reaching my goal of daily movement much easier.
Clear, straightforward, focused workouts that are enjoyable and effective

App Features

Set workout reminders to stay on track!
Track your progress and share it to Instagram
Notes & Logging
Track your weights, time, and reps. Take notes to capture your thoughts when working out
Make sure you stay on track with your goals
Save your favorite workouts with one tap
Stream Anywhere
Stream to your TV and laptop using Apple TV, Chromecast, Roku, or Fire TV.
Set workout reminders to stay on track!

About Caroline Drury

Online personal trainer

Hi! My name is Caroline and I am a Fitness and Transformation coach for women 40+, although most of my clients range from 50-70 years old! I provide no nonsense strength training programs for women who have tried everything else, and are at the age to have the WISDOM to know they need better. No more fad programs, no more fad diets, just strength training programs put together in the organized and strategic manner for which I’m known, to get women the results they want. I’ve also paired this with in depth educational content on Macros and Strength Training Fundamentals. The women who do my training programs are highly intelligent and are looking for knowledge in the area of fitness; they want to know the WHY behind the HOW. I began my fitness journey when I was the Chief of Staff at the parent company to six film companies in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, so I know what it’s like to be a busy woman. Therefore, my programming is strategic, straight forward, organized and methodical, and each training block is designed to flow from one to the other so that you can finally abandon the β€œ8 week” or β€œ6 week challenges” that never give you lasting results. Join me and I’ll make sure you have everything you need to get the fitness and physique results you want, then get back to the business of living; living Beyond Before and After.

Frequently asked questions

What are the goals of this program?
* Increase overall lean muscle mass * Get lean and burn fat * Build core strength * Improve posture * Improve mental clarity and focus
What do I need to participate?
* You need a gym membership that has standard workout equipment * A positive attitude and dedication to the program
Who are these workouts for (skill-level)?
* The workouts are designed for all levels * Beginners: go slow, use less weight, use longer rest periods, and focus on form * Advanced: increase weight, reps and reduce rest time as you progress
What’s the schedule?
* Weight training 3-4 times per week * 2 days of active rest: When you rest from lifting, you should still remain active. Do HIIT cardio/ab workouts, play sports, go for a hike or a long walk * 1 full rest day
How will I get the best results?
* Get proper sleep (7-9 hours a night is a must) * Dedicated nutrition regimen that consists only of wholesome, natural ingredients (get my nutrition guide in β€œInsights” section of the app) * Drink at least eight 8 oz glasses of water daily * Make sure to use active and full rest days to allow muscles to recover * Ice cold showers in the morning and after workouts are highly recommended
Are there any modifications for the exercises?
* Yes! I’ve included modifications in the descriptions for each exercise. If you need further assistance modifying any workouts, send me a message in the app and I’ll be happy to help!
I don't see how much cardio to do? How Much cardio should I do?
That's right! I haven't included detailed cardio instructions because this is very individual based on your daily time, job requirements, and overall activity level. For example, a 45-year-old nurse walking 20,000 steps a day might not need to do any cardio at all to complete her fat-loss phase; however, a 55-year-old bookkeeper who sits most of the day may need to dig in harder to cardio to help her create a caloric deficit. Please listen to/watch the β€œCardio” module in the Strength Training 101 education series included in the app with your subscription. In that video, I state that I start all my 1:1 clients at a mere 15 minutes of cardio a day at a Heart Rate target of 70-75% of their max while in a fat-loss phase. I bump cardio up by ONLY 5 minutes at a time. Never more than that and ONLY when weight loss progress stalls. Again, please refer to the video for more of an explanation regarding cardio. Please be smart about it, friends. This work is a marathon, not a sprint.
Ok, understood re: cardio...but when should I do my cardio to give myself the best results?
My answer is very scientific and specific..... Whenever you will do it consistently!! :) Seriously. Nothing trumps consistency when it comes to cardio. Yes, if you are an advanced lifter going for massive strength goals, doing your cardio right before a 5 x 5 leg day probably isn't the best idea because you'll burn your legs out before your lifts, but for lifestyle clients (this is most likely YOU!), absolutely NOTHING beats consistency. So find a time of day when you can do your cardio without negotiating with yourself, and just get it done. πŸ‘Š
How can I ask you questions?
Message me in the app for any questions you have. I do my best to review all comments and make any recommended changes. I want to see your progress! I would also love to see your progress pictures and videos. Tag me on Instagram and use the hashtag #BeyondBeforeAndAfter OR #ConsistencyJoyDiscipline or feel free to shoot me a DM on IG. I would love to showcase your progress to our community!

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