Shoulder Recovery - Weak and Painful

Stop your shoulder pain and start living life again!

After years of helping active people recover from nagging and chronic shoulder pain, I realized that I needed to make a program to help as many people as possible using the same methods that were helping my own patients every day. If you'r... Read more

8 weeks program 7 days/week 30-45 mins
All Levels
8 weeks program 7 days/week 30-45 mins
All Levels
cover image

About the program

The "Shoulder Recovery Program - Weak and Painful" is an 8-week program designed to help you overcome persistent shoulder pain and weakness that keeps you from your daily tasks, activities, workouts, or sport(s). Additionally, if your pain has been limiting your shoulder mobility or causing secondary neck pain, this p... Read more


    Shoulder Recovery - Start Here!
    Shoulder Recovery - Start Here!
    Shoulder Recovery - Weeks 1-2
    Shoulder Recovery - Weeks 1-2
    Functional, Strength, Arms, All Levels, Upper Body
    Shoulder Recovery - Weeks 3-4
    Shoulder Recovery - Weeks 3-4
    Functional, All Levels, Upper Body, Strength, Arms
    Shoulder Recovery - Weeks 5-6
    Shoulder Recovery - Weeks 5-6
    All Levels, Strength, Arms, Functional, Upper Body
    Shoulder Recovery - Weeks 7-8
    Shoulder Recovery - Weeks 7-8
    Upper Body, Arms, Functional, Strength, All Levels

    Glowing 5-Star Reviews from Satisfied Customers

    The program was exactly what I was looking for. Logical progressions, no excessive fluff, and straight to the point. My shoulder feels amazing!
    My shoulder is honestly stronger than it's ever been. I can't believe I'm saying that but it's true!
    Love how organized this program was and also that you allow us to message you for help when we need it. Thank you for saving me from surgery!

    Check out these Testimonials from the program!

    Man, I love your work. I was diagnosed with a rotator cuff tear but this program got me back in the gym. Can't thank you enough!
    My shoulder's been messed up for years after a cheerleading accident in high school, but after going through this program it feels like BOTH shoulders are so strong and don't bother me anymore. I feel like a badass!
    My shoulder is fixed, what can I say! I loved the structure of the workouts which were super effective but also the quick responses to questions and videos I sent in. Thanks!
    Man, I love your work. I was diagnosed with a rotator cuff tear but this program got me back in the gym. Can't thank you enough!

    App features

    Set workout reminders to stay on track!
    Video Workouts
    Easy-to-follow videos for every workout in the program.
    Lifetime Access
    Once you purchase, you own the program forever!
    Complete at least one workout every week to get a streak!
    Save your favorite workouts with the click of a button.
    Stream Anywhere
    Stream to your TV and laptop using Apple TV, Chromecast, Roku, or Fire TV.
    Set workout reminders to stay on track!

    About Dr. Caleb Burgess

    Doctor of Physical Therapy, Strength Coach/Trainer

    Hi, I’m Dr. Caleb Burgess. I’m a licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy, a certified specialist in Orthopedic Physical Therapy through the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties, and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the National Strength and Conditioning Association. I've been practicing a... Read more


    Get support & accountability from our amazing community

    Find encouragement and accountability by connecting with others in our exclusive private community. Here Dr. Caleb will be sharing: ... Read more

    Frequently asked questions

    Who are these workouts for?
    The "Shoulder Recovery Program - Weak and Painful" is an 8-week program designed for people struggling with persistent shoulder pain and weakness that keeps them from their daily tasks, activities, workouts, or sport(s). People with this type of shoulder pain are typically diagnosed with one or more of the following: - Shoulder Impingement - Rotator Cuff Tear/Strain/Tendinitis/Tendinopathy - Biceps Tendinitis/Tendinopathy - Shoulder Bursitis - Shoulder Labrum Tear
    What are the goals of the program?
    The goals of the program are to improve: - Shoulder strength and resilience (including rotator cuff and scapular muscles) - Shoulder pain with use/activity - Shoulder joint mobility - Scapular (shoulder blade) mobility - Thoracic spine mobility - Your understanding of how to modify daily activities to decrease shoulder irritation/pain ...all of which will lead to getting you back to your normal life/activities again!
    What do I need to participate?
    This program requires minimal equipment (bands, dumbbells, bench, chair, and optional pullup bar) and progresses throughout the 8-week period. Other than that, you just need patience and commitment in order to start seeing the results you want!
    What's the schedule?
    As it was designed, each workout is to be performed daily OR every other day for 2 weeks before moving on to the next 2-week block, BUT some people will find that staying on a certain workout for several weeks may be more appropriate for them if they find benefit from it or need more time until they move on to the next workout. And that's okay! Take as long as you need on each routine...there is NO RUSH!
    How will I get the best results?
    Be patient. Be consistent. And know that although you should be seeing some noticeable (and many times, big) progress in 8 weeks, you will continue to notice more significant changes in how you feel and how you move if you stick with it for months/years/life!
    Are there modifications for the exercises?
    Yes! If you find that certain exercises seem to be too challenging or even uncomfortable, please don't hesitate to reach out to me via direct message (see the 3 dots at the top right corner of the app) so that I can give you a modification or alternative. You can even send a video for feedback if you want!
    How can I ask you questions?
    You can ALWAYS send me via direct message (see the 3 dots at the top right corner of the app) to ask questions, celebrate progress, say hello...whatever you want!
    Can I share my progress with you to stay motivated?
    Yes, please do! If you post about your journey on social media, please TAG ME at @dr.caleb.burgess so that I can share and celebrate your progress!

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