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Brad TerrellBrad Terrell
/21 Days to Handstand
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Day 6 - Core Bracing and Pelvic Prep

4.8|20 min|3 comments
Day 6 will stabilize and the core and pelvis with core bracing techniques and pelvic stabilizers to keep a neutral to aid your hollowbody and straight line position. You will also review crow as you learn how to kick out of t... more


Rie 3y ago
Crow is tough but I’m finally getting it. It took 3 sessions to get UP. Broke this vid up into 2 days. Seeing improvements.
Carli 5y ago
Woohoo! Your tip with gazing more forward did the trick and I finally managed to balance in crow without crashpad and fear to fall! I am learning so much here! ❤️👌
David 5y ago

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