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Bailey NomiBailey Nomi
/5 Minute Tutorials
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Thigh Dance Tucking

4.9|5 min|3 comments
“Tucks in a thigh dance” broken down into a 5 minute tutorial, helping you do these movements in class safety and effectively. Pair these with full length classes! Comment to request more tutorials.


Courtney 2y ago
These tutorials are kicking my flat butt 😂 excited for the full work outs!
Amy 2y ago
Would be good to have a side on view also, as front on wearing loser bottoms, you can’t always fully see the movement in a way that helps complete beginners, so additional view would be helpful!
Ty 2y ago
Again, another great tutorial! I loved how descriptive and detailed you broke this movement down. I also loved how in this video you get to see your strong, bubbly, confident personality coming out 😊