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Bailey NomiBailey Nomi
/5 Minute Tutorials
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Hip Spirals

4.9|5 min|15 comments
Hips spirals broken down into a 5 minute tutorial, helping you do these movements in class safety and effectively. Pair these with full length classes! Comment to request more tutorials.


Mimi 2y ago
Love the vibe
Jo 2y ago
I love this move! Feels empowering!
Courtney 2y ago
Thought I had it down before I watched this clip but now I feel like I’m about using my muscles correctly. Thank you!
Louise 2y ago
My belly dance teacher teaches hip circles using cat cow, and diamond movements from tabletop. You've taught me muscle awareness, and I'm definitely feeling it more!
Krystle 2y ago
Loved the muscle breakdown. So many of us, including myself struggle with muscle awareness and proprioception