5 x 40 sec on/20 sec off
Seated Cable Bicep curls (finish all 5 sets of this exercise before moving on to tricep extensions)
5 x 40 sec on/20 sec off
Cable Tricep Extensions
Circuit 1: 3 x
DB Hammer Curls x 12 w/ 4 sec negative
Lying DB Skull Crushers x 12 w/ 4 sec negative
*Immediately into
Resistance Band Kneeling Tricep Push downs - to failure (until you can no longer maintain form)
Circuit 2
Alternating RB Curls With Isometric Hold x 12 per side
Bent Over Single Arm Tricep Kickbacks x 12 per side
40 Wall Balls
30 DB Push Press
20 Box Jump Burpees
10 Push-ups