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Alina AstileanAlina Astilean
/4 Week Cross Train

Day 1: Legs

5.0|90 min
4 x Back Squats (try to increase weight as you decrease reps) Set 1: 12 to 15 reps Set 2: 8 to 10 reps Set 3: 6 to 8 reps Set 4: 4 to 5 reps Circuit 1: 3 x Smith Machine Curtsy Lunges x 10 to 12 Deficit DB DLs x 10 to 12 Resistance Band KB Swings x 20 Circuit 2: x 3 Leg Extensions (to failure) with 3 second pause at the top of the rep (do as many reps as possible maintaining the tempo) Box Jumps x 10 AMRAP10 Barbell Deadlifts x 10 Dual DB Reverse Lunges x 16 (alternating sides) Assault Bike x 10 calories

More workouts from Alina Astilean

Day 2: Chest and Shoulders
Core Work