This program is for anyone who enjoys working out in a recreational gym, or if you have access to multiple pieces of equipment. This 8 week program will help you tone up and gain more muscle along the way! This program is set up in a " lower body day" and "upper body day", with odd weeks ( week 1,3,5,7) 3 days being lower body, 2 days being upper; and even weeks ( 2, 4, 6, 8) having 3 upper body days and 2 lower body days a week. Cardio isn't listed in this program so I recommend doing cardio ex. incline treadmill walking, jogging, stair master, high intensity intervals etc, at least 3- 4 days of the week. As well as aiming for 6,000 steps daily or more. Make sure you do your best on eating clean, and less processed foods! Also hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!