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E3; Anxiety & OCD part 3

5.0|10 min|4 comments
In this episode I talk more about my anxiety and describe my OCD. I know I said I’d talk about how im getting better in part 3 but that just didn’t happen so I apologize haha- I promise it will be in part 4. 🙈 This episode w... more


Mashae 10mo ago
So good I relate to this so so much!!!
Meg 2y ago
The fear of death, tied in with OCD. This is my husband’s reality on a daily basis too. He’s lost both his parents
Elle 3y ago
I'm not worried about the length, make as many episodes as it takes 🙏🏼
Alexandra 3y ago
I cannot believe I’ve never heard of unearned guilt before. This was a light bulb session for me… Sometimes I do things and think about them incessantly. How I wasn’t able to go somewhere and feel the need to defend myself to that person. The other day someone came up to me at a gas station asking if I could spare gas money. I said no… then thought about it and went back into the gas station to ask if I could put money on his station. He had already left… I obsessed over this for hours… how I should’ve just said yea… did that make me a bad person?? Why wouldn’t I just give the money upfront… this is an example of something I do daily and I didn’t know that you actually go through the same thing and it’s actually OCD… Thank you for sharing this. Thank you for speaking about your dad. I know it couldn’t have been easy. Thank you for being you and existing honestly.

More workouts from YOGOSKENZ .

E1; Anxiety & OCD Part 1